Albert Camus, Carl Jung & the Joker…

How are these three people connected?

“The embodiment of the monster, the shadow. The pathway to completion. Jung didn’t believe that you could be a good person until you could realize your capacity for evil. I don’t mean act it out in the world but to bring it under your control.

Because there’s a big difference between someone who is naive and is a good person (they are good person because they cannot be. They are like a domesticated house-cat. They don’t even have the capacity to be bad. So, there’s no morality in that. The morality comes when you are a monster and you can control it and that’s the Jungian encounter with the shadow.

So Jung said for example that the roots of the shadow go all the way down to hell and what he meant by that was that -well, you can think about it literally, you can think about it metaphorically, we’ll just think about it metaphorically- is that if you start to understand who you are then you understand the Nazis and who wants to understand the Nazis? You know I can understand sex criminals. I can understand them. I can understand Nazis. And the reason for that is because I can see that as an aspect of myself. Truly.

But one of the things that’s so interesting… it’s terrifying to realize that, which is why it’s terrifying to realize the shadow which is why people don’t do it. It’s no wonder why they don’t do it. It’s a horrible thing to realize that you ‘re human and what being human means like angel… like Christ to Satan that’s the human being. And you might say, well, those aren’t real it’s like okay well, they are figments of the imagination that the human nation constructed to describe themselves. Fine! Does that make it less frightening? I don’t think so! So, and it’s not… it doesn’t make it any less frightening if you take those two extremes seriously and you might say well who’s gonna take the Christ extreme seriously? It’s no problem man. Dispense with it. Try getting rid of the other side. See how you do with that.” Jordan Peterson

So, the latest movie of the Jocker reveals a bit more on his philosophical and psychological ideas which are based on Camus and Jung. I just chose the following two video clips and an article by Neel Burton from the site Psychology Today but if you find the topic interesting and want to read more about it, you will certainly be able to find easily.

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